Spectrum Sharing for 5G and BeyondThursday, 15 November Recent years have seen the introduction of the concept of dynamic spectrum sharing as a promising complement to traditional clearing and reallocation of spectrum by allowing access to spectrum for new users without disrupting incumbent users. This session will bring together various experts from Industry and government to present and debate their views on a way forward using spectrum sharing allocation in higher frequency bands. Topics will include:
The intended outcome of this session is to build a mindshare around innovative approaches to spectrum sharing in higher frequency bands and way forward in achieving optimal use of wireless spectrum. Presentations:
Panel Discussion: Moderator:
With almost 35 years of spectrum management experience, Mark Gibson is responsible for developing domestic and international business opportunities for Comsearch. In addition to leading Comsearch’s technical and business development efforts numerous wireless and spectrum-related products and services, he has led efforts to address spectrum sharing between Federal government and commercial users. He leads CommScope’s CBRS efforts on the Spectrum Access System/Environmental Sensing Capability. He is on the board of the Wireless Innovation Forum and is a co-chair of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee, where he has also co-chaired working groups related to spectrum sharing and data exchange issues. He has led Comsearch’s spectrum management efforts including the development of spectrum sharing analysis protocols and sharing criteria, as well as development of Comsearch’s engineering services and software products. He has led Comsearch’s efforts in working with the American Hospital Association as their technical partner for WMTS frequency coordination. He has authored several papers on spectrum sharing and relocation and has advised numerous wireless participants in their system design. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. Panelists:
Andrew Clegg is Spectrum Engineering Lead for Google. He is presently focused on shared spectrum opportunities in mid-band spectrum, among other things. He was previously program director for spectrum management at the U.S. National Science Foundation, where he was the creator of a $60 million research program to support enhanced access to the radio spectrum. Prior to NSF, he was lead member of technical staff for Cingular Wireless (now AT&T Mobility), a senior engineer at Comsearch, and a research scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory. He holds a PhD in radio astronomy from the University of Virginia.
George Kizer is an independent telecommunications consultant. Over his forty plus years in the Telecommunications industry, George’s roles have included Systems Engineer, Project Manager and Product Manager with Collins Radio, Rockwell International and Alcatel as well as consulting with the major telecommunications operators and vendors. His authored two microwave books and contributed to another. He is Editor for Wiley IEEE Series on RF and Microwave, President, National Spectrum Management Association (NSMA), Chairman, TIA TR-45 Working Group for Microwave Systems, former Chairman, TIA Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave Section and active with the Fixed Wireless Communications Coalition (FWCC). George served four years in the U. S. Air Force as a Communications Officer leading Scope Creek teams all over the world evaluating Department of Defense microwave communications links. He holds a B. S in Electrical Engineering from Oklahoma State University and an M. S. in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University. George and his wife Anne reside in Plano, Texas, with their two dogs, Jax and Zoey. George and Anne have two children and two grandchildren. Outside interests include tennis, reading, writing and travel.
Philip is Group Director, Spectrum at Ofcom, where he is responsible for setting and implementing the strategy for managing spectrum including clearing, awarding, licensing, monitoring and enforcement. Philip has over 30 years’ experience within the wireless communications industry. He has held senior executive positions covering technology, operations and strategy. Philip has worked in both start-ups (from initial concept to sale) and large corporates in companies ranging from UK Broadband, O2, Orange, BT, J-Phone in Japan (now Softbank Mobile), Extreme Mobile and SpinVox (now Nuance).